I found another article that connected some of my earlier readings surprisingly explicitly. In this article, again written by William Badke, some of the interesting info literacy categories from the end of the summit report from my earlier post were explored, namely "media literacy" and ICT (information and communication technology) literacy are explored. He explores each concept, media literacy being an ability to find, process, and vet info from media sources, and ICT literacy being an aptitude in using info technology like computers or, more and more importantly, hand-held internet capable devices. In doing so he suggests something interesting, that since these two are so obviously important and ubiquitous in our lives, each might be a good sort of "envelope" for pushing info literacy education in school and/or university curriculums. While the concept of "information literacy" itself is somewhat vague and not strongly a part of the national lexicon, the sub categories of media and ICT literacy are easy to understand, easy to see the use in, and something we all are forced to work on daily. Badke doesn't feel that either media or ICT literacy alone can constitute a good envelope to push "info literacy" since each is a bit too narrow to include or clearly connect to information literacy in a broader sense. However, he suggests that a combination of the two is a good start or focus to design and advertise information literacy education. I tend to agree, and in general feel its a good idea to break down the concept of "information literacy" into smaller, more discreet and explicit chunks to make it more viable and attractive as something to be systematically taught.
Article Citation:
William Badke, "Media, ICT, and Information Literacy" TecTrends September 20, 2009
I agree with the idea that information literacy is a term that hasn't gotten the national traction I think it needs.